3 Precious Trainings For Awakening: A Master's Training in 5-Fold Mahamudra



April 9, 2025 4:00 PM

Costa Rica UTC-6


April 9, 2025 6:00 PM

Costa Rica UTC-6

Registration Deadline:


This is a rare chance to receive a step-by-step path to awakening from an unbroken lineage, enriched with essential background philosophy to deepen our realization of the nature of reality and true happiness. Official Registration will be opening soon. We are building a learning platform with many features to enhance your learning experience and practice. Sign up on the early interest form below and prepare for a transformative journey.

Event Overview

A Rare Opportunity to Receive In-Depth Teachings from Drupon Lama Dorje

Course Officially Begins: April 9, 2025

One more preliminary class will occur on March 26th @ 4-6pm Costa Rica time to further explain the course, and invite your questions.

Dear Dharma Friends,

We are honored to announce an extraordinary opportunity to engage in the Five-fold Path of Mahamudra, a profound meditation system practiced by the great Drikung masters in solitary retreat. Under the experienced guidance of Drupon Lama Dorje, this in-depth training will not only provide teachings but will also support genuine transformation, ensuring that realization takes root in your mind. Drupon La has skillfully designed this course in union with the 3 Precious Trainings of the Buddha: Shila (discipline), Samadhi (Meditative Concentration), Prajna (Wisdom).

We will be taking our time going through each of these 3 trainings thoroughly and integrating the essence into our lives with at-home daily practices.

This is not just another course—it is a graded path to awakening, passed down from master to student in an unbroken oral tradition for countless decades.

It will be taught with great care so that we may deepen our practice and expand our capacity to benefit all beings.

Course Structure & Commitment

Class Schedule:

  1. Teachings: Every other Wednesday, 4-6 PM (Costa Rica time)
  2. Q&A Sessions: Alternating Wednesdays 4-5:30 PM (Online only)
  3. Mini Weekend Retreats: Every 2-3 months, marking key transitions advancing your practice with empowerments or vows.
  4. (Full schedule of dates listed below)
  5. Duration: This course will last approximately 1 to 1.5 years, ensuring a thorough and experiential approach to 5-fold Mahamudra.
  6. Language: All teachings, Q&A, and practice materials will be in both Spanish and English

Daily Practice Requirement: Lama will assign daily meditation practices. So plan to have a daily practice commitment each day. You can commit between 20 min - 1 hour a day as long as you meet certain accumulations needed to advance to next stage.

Learning Platform: You will have access recordings, resources, and a community forum all in one place.

In-Person & Online: Join from anywhere on zoom, or an in-person session in Costa Rica.

Participation & Certification

We highly recommend committing to the full course. The full step-by-step path is what actually creates true and lasting shifts in our lives. This is what the masters have followed, and their experience of becoming a happy, wise, beneficial human is what shows that this path definitely works.

*Anyone who completes all teachings, practice requirements, and empowerments will receive a Certificate of Completion at the end.

If you miss a teaching the recordings will be available so no worries!*

This being said, Lama is graciously allowing drop-ins for select teachings in order to make the Dharma available for those who may find out about this after the start date.

Offering & Generosity

- There will be various tiers of monthly donations available on the learning platform

- $25 a month is the suggested minimum contribution

- Additional tiers will be available to support fellow practitioners in need

Early Registration:

If you are interested to join this course, please fill out this early interest form. You will be the first to find out when registration is open soon, and the learning platform is ready.


Let me know when registration is open! *** Me avisas cuando inscripcion esta abierta!

* indicates required

2025 Schedule Overview

(Please note this schedule could have tiny shifts depending on Lama's Travel schedule, but we are posting this ahead of time since many of you want to arrange your work schedule)

April 9 - Amitayus Empowerment - In-person +Online

April 16 - Q&A - Online only

April 23 - Precious Human Life - In-person +Online

April 30 - Q&A - Online only

May 7 - Impermanence - In-person + Online

May 14 - Q&A - Online only

May 21 - Cause and Effect -  Online only

May 28 - Q&A - Online only

June 4 - Cyclic Existence - Online only

June 11 - Q&A - Online only

June 18 - What is Refuge and the 3 Jewels -Online only

June 25 - Q&A - Online only

July 5 - July 6 - REFUGE VOW WEEKEND RETREAT - In-person + Online

July 16 - Q&A - Online only

July 23- The Beauty of Sacred Discipline- the 5 Precepts- Online only

July 30 - Q&A - Online only

August 6- I watch my actions because I love my community - the 10 Virtues

In-person + Online

August 13- Q&A -  Online only

August 20- The importance of Mindful breathing - The 4 Mindfulnesses

In-person + Online

August 27 - Q&A - Online only

Sept 3 - Revealing the true nature of reality- The 2 Obscuration: Online only

Sept 10 - Q&A - Online only

Sept 17- One object two truths: -Online only

Sept 24- Q&A - Online only

Oct 1 - Oct 14 : BREAK

Oct 15 - The Deity is your own inner Buddha - Online only

Oct 22 - Q&A - Online only

Oct 29- 3 Ways We Struggle - The 3 Sufferings: Online only

Nov 5 - Q&A - Online only

Nov 12- Karmic Purification: The 4 Powers-  In-person +Online

Nov 19 - Q&A - Online only

Nov 22 - Nov 23 - VAJRASATTVA RETREAT: Body, Speech and Mind Purification: In-person + Online

Dec 3 - Celebrating the Changes in our Life: In-person + Online

Dec 4 - Jan 6: BREAK

(2026 dates will be posted by the end of the year)

More information and official registration will be posted soon. For any questions, please contact us at events@lamadorje.net. In the mean time please fill out the early interest form above!

Introductory Classes – Learn More Before We Begin

Lama Dorje is offering three preliminary classes to explain the course in more detail:

January 29Watch Recording

February 19Watch Recording

March 26 – Coming up soon live in Costa Rica and on Zoom (4-6 PM Costa Rica Time)

🔗 Zoom ID: 849 2758 0328
