Lama Dorje Foundation


To awaken inner happiness of all beings, unite cultures in global peace, and regenerate our home the Earth by expanding altruistic actions of love, compassion, joy, and equanimity.

Our Pillars

Inner Happiness

To benefit society, it is essential that we come to know our own true nature as individuals. At Dewachen, Tibetan retreat Masters will openly offer knowledge, practices, and silent solitary retreat trainings that have been passed down for thousands of years. These practices train individuals to recognize unshakeable compassion and equanimity, that are unhindered by external circumstances in the world. 

“Global peace is an individual responsibility” - H.H 14th Dalai Lama

Intercultural unity

Every culture is a unique expression of what it means to be human and alive.At Dewachen, we will build upon 10 years of experience hosting intercultural gatherings with indigenous wisdom-keepers from all around the world.Ancestral wisdom and diverse voices are essential keys to solving many of our global problems.

There are many paths, and one essence.

Ecological regeneration

We are all part of an interconnected web of life. Every action impacts the whole. At Dewachen, we build upon extensive experience in regenerative stewardship by building habitat through agroforestry, edible landscapes, watershed conservation, waste management, natural building techniques…. and most importantly…. cultivating the mindset that sustains it all.  

Regeneration is…. “life creating conditions for life.”

Our Story

For 14 years, Drupon Lama Dorje has spread Buddhist philosophy of life and meditation across South and Central America and throughout the world with great diligence and effort. Throughout this time, Lama Dorje learned to teach directly in Spanish and Portuguese and has hosted diverse events, ceremonies, courses and retreats, produced music and written works that apply these ancient principles to modern life. He formed several sanghas, led sacred journeys to India and Nepal, and sponsored the monastic education of 400 children. He has participated in many intercultural gatherings with indigenous nations which has greatly influenced his mission to preserve and expand traditional wisdom.

During 2021, Lama began traveling with his English translator and LDF cofounder Caroline Putnam to expand teachings in North America and Europe. The Global Dharma Tour is now the heart and soul of his commitment to the world. He travels the world skillfully teaching Tibetan Philosophy of Life & meditation while also advocating for topics such as environmental regeneration, intercultural unity, and inner education.

The Lama Dorje Foundation was officially established as a 501(c)3 fiscally sponsored non-profit in the U.S. in 2021. This allowed us to accept donations to purchase three hectares of pristine cloud forest in Costa Rica and move a team of dedicated volunteers out to the land to begin establishing Dewachen World Peace Sanctuary (DWPS). Since launching the Lama Dorje Foundation, our team has also hosted retreats in 9 countries and held over 150 events, spreading Dharma teaching to approximately 2000 participants and counting! The Lama Dorje Foundation has held gatherings with wisdom keepers of 3 indigenous nations. Drupon Lama Dorje also became the first residential Lama in Costa Rica with our team now residing at the future site of Dewachen World Peace Sanctuary.

Currently, our team is developing Virtual Dharma Courses, redesigning the LDF website with an online Sangha Portal, translating texts and courses, planning the 2022 and 2023 Dharma World Tours, and hosting Dharma teachings in Costa Rica, all while planning the development of DWPS. Dewachen World Peace Sanctuary will be home to the first Tibetan Buddhist Temple in Costa Rica, the Stupa of Bodhicitta, and 25 solitary retreat cabins, serving as a center for Dharma teachings in Central America for many Tibetan masters and lineages. DWPS will also be an educational center for our indigenous allies featuring an Intercultural Peace Shala as part of our commitment to preserving ancestral wisdom and encouraging dialogue between wisdom keepers from different communities.

We believe that change happens from the inside out. In this time of ecological devastation and social disharmony, uplifting human consciousness is more important than ever. The root of these global issues stems from the human mind. The solutions are also found within the unlimited potential of the human mind.