Lojong Mind Training Part 3

3-part series covering the 8 verses of mind training



February 4, 2023 10:00 AM

Costa Rica UTC-6


February 4, 2023 2:30 PM

Costa Rica UTC-6

Registration Deadline:


Event Overview

Join the Shala Sol Sangha in teachings from Drupon Lama Dorje in Costa Rica! In this 3-part series we will enjoy dharma teachings covering the 8 verses of mind training.

In Tibetan, lojong means “mind training”. To turn the mind inward, learn to work with anger and other ‘afflictive states’, train the mind through wisdom and compassion, so that we can create lasting change in our daily lives. These precious teachings instruct us how to convert all our daily life situations and experiences into knowledge that allows us to grow.

We are often caught up in an unending cycle of avoiding what is unpleasant and rejecting what we don’t like which takes much effort and inevitably is not a successful approach to happiness. Instead, we can train in the stability of mind that can work with and transform any situation- pleasing or unpleasant- into the fertile ground of awakening true and lasting happiness.  

Lama's intention for offering this series is to nurture the sangha with a step-by-step deep dive to integrate this timeless knowledge into our daily lives. This series will include succinct teachings, interactive activities, & integration meditation practices.  

Join the last event of this series at Shala Sol in Tinamaste, Costa Rica or connect with us live through Zoom. We will also enjoy a meaningful potluck together with breakout groups as discussion or personal contemplation time.

Schedule Overview

Investment Packages
