Fostering inner peace &
A compassionate society


That all may live happy and meaningful lives which contribute to a flourishing world.

Inner Happiness

To benefit society, it is essential that we come home to our true peaceful nature. We connect you with Tibetan masters who share knowledge, practices, and meditation trainings that have been passed down for thousands of years. These practices train individuals to recognize unshakeable compassion and peace, that is unhindered by external circumstances in the world. 

"Global peace is an individual responsibility” - H.H 14th Dalai Lama

Intercultural Unity

The key to a just and thriving world is learning to live compassionately. Understanding that we are all interconnected and we are all in the same boat. At our core, we all want to be happy and don't want to struggle. When we learn to tap into our true nature, we feel a sense of closeness with all beings, beyond form, color, race, gender, and all distinctions.  

There are many paths, and one essence.

Ecological regeneration

We are all part of an interconnected web of life. Every action impacts the whole. In our initiatives, we build upon experience in regenerative stewardship to take care of our home the Earth. We work with agroforestry, edible landscapes, watershed conservation, waste management, natural building techniques…. and most importantly…. cultivating the mindset that sustains it all.  

Regeneration is…. "life creating conditions for life.”

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Messages from the Sangha

"It has resurfaced a kinder, gentler more patient me by giving me the confidence to be less of the self and more as one with all beings. It has affected most aspects of my life and I can feel genuine compassion and love for people I would previously avoided."

Richard Hawksworth, Portugal Sangha

"I learned how to be more compassionate and most important how I can change my mind and thoughts at any moment"

Laura D'Ocon, Costa Rica Sangha

"I feel that Sangha nourishes me in so many ways and I like to give back and be present for others."

Leti Passemier, Costa Rica Sangha

"Yes, the 5-day Silent Retreat in Costa Rica. Hard to describe in words the shifts I felt, there was a lightness, a feeling of being empowered, and a kind of strength that helped motivate my practices."

Teya Reyna, Costa Rica Sangha

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Whether you are already a practitioner or just getting started,
we offer teachings and experiences to support your journey.

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